Friday, December 5, 2008

HOLY FUCK !!!! THIS IS IT !! Best Craigslist post EVER !!!

thank god he clarified it, I was worried about the crab meat being bad, that's the most crucial thing for these 4 am non gay mutual touching in basement with train set meets in Philly...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Give this guy a 50% raise !!! NOW !!!

Words can't describe how great this billboard is....

A Early Merry X'mas to all !!!

..... and a happy new year...
Dog : "I wish I was still in the dog pound"

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rick rolled .... live ! A+A+A+A+A+A+A+A+ (ebay rating)

So, how come Nötlé hasn't been updating his blog lately ... you may ask ? well... CAUSE THE INTERNET SUCKED BALLS the past few weeks !!! But hold on to your seats... finally something worthy to be posted here.... Check it out !!!
Poor guy... basically Hasselhoffed himself.... (at the point of his career.... making fun of himself to pay the bills)